Has Estimated Worth

$ 85,058,630

Site Price calculated at: October 12, 2024, 10:01:41 AM

 Estimated Data Analytics
Pageviews Unique Visitors Ads Revenue
Estimated Daily Stats 2,208,681 552,170 $6,626
Estimated Monthly Stats 65,222,350 16,305,586 $195,667
Estimated Yearly Stats 806,704,170 201,676,022 $2,420,113
 Basic information
Domain name
Title goo
Keywords goo,グー,ぐー,ポータル,portal,検索
Description NTTドコモが運営する安心・安全のポータルサイト。使えば使うほど、あなたの興味・関心、趣味・嗜好を学習し、限られた時間で効率よく「あなた専用」のポータルサイトとして必要な情報を収集することができます。
 Search Engine Stats
Google Index 25,400,000
Yahoo Index 0
Bing Index 0
Google Backlinks 19,300,000
 Facebook Stats
Share count 0
Comment count 0
Comment plugin count 0
Reaction count 0
Total count 0
 Social Stats
 Pins 4,001
 Antivirus Stats
Google  safe
 Location Stats
IP Address
Country Japan
Region Osaka
City Osaka
 Sell Websites - Sell Domains

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See below for sales steps.

  1. Register/Login to WebsiteValue.
  2. Check your domain on WebsiteValue.
  3. Click on the "Sale Website" button under this item.
  4. The Site Authorization page will open; paste the HTML code into the main (root) page of the website in question. Then click the "Verify" button.
  5. After Verify is complete, enter the sales information in the form and sales will begin in WebsiteValue.
  6. And wait for people contact with you. If anybody interesting with your website/domain name, you will receive an e-mail from your potential buyer including his/her contact information.
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